New Jersey New Car Lemon Law

Find out what vehicle’s are covered and which are not under New Jersey’s New Car Lemon Laws

The New Jersey Attorney General’s website has all information you would want to know about the New Car Lemon Law in New Jersey. Their site is complete and easy to use. We’ve taken what we believe are the “highlights” of New Jersey New Car Lemon Law and compiled them below for your convenience. All the information below was taken from the New Jersey State Attorney General’s website.

Please note, the information provided is not meant to take the place of an experienced warranty law attorney. For specific warranty law needs, please contact your local bar association for a recommended lawyer near you.

For New Cars:

What’s covered?

  • New cars or motorcycles
  • Bought, leased or registered in the state of New Jersey
  • Defects originally covered by the manufacturer’s warranty
  • Defects recognized and reported within 18,000 miles or two years, whichever comes first
  • Defects must significantly impair the use, safety or value of your car

What’s NOT covered?

  • Cars registered for commercial use
  • Living quarters of motor homes
  • Defects caused by accident, vandalism, abuse or neglect
  • Defects caused by attempts to repair or to modify the vehicle by someone other than the manufacturer, its agent or an authorized dealer


  • Report any defect or condition directly to the manufacturer or dealer immediately
  • Keep all repair receipts and a complete record of all contacts with the manufacturer and dealer as this will help you make your “lemon” case
  • The manufacturer has a “reasonable” amount of time to repair your car
  • “Reasonable” is defined under the law as: three repair attempts for the same defect or a total of 20 cumulative days unusable due to one or more defects or repairs

Filing a Claim

  • Send a letter to the manufacturer via certified U.S. mail, return receipt requested
  • In the letter say that you believe you may have a lemon law claim and that the letter is a courtesy to give the manufacturer one last chance to repair the defect
  • Ten days, from the date on the return receipt, should be allowed for the manufacturer to repair the vehicle
  • The Lemon Law Unit within the Division of Consumer Affairs has the addresses for all major manufacturer’s regional offices, which is where the letter needs to be sent

Letter Requirements

  • The letter must be sent to the manufacturer after the second repair attempt at the same problem is unsuccessful or the car has been unable to be used for 20 or more cumulative days due to the same problem
  • The letter must be mailed using certified mail with a return receipt requested
  • The time line for sending the letter must be before your car’s odometer hits 18,000 miles or two years have expired since you first took ownership, whichever happens first
  • Be sure to address the letter to the manufacturer and include items like your name, address and telephone number where you can be reached.

Your Rights as a Consumer in New Jersey

If, after sending in your letter, the manufacturer refuses to recognize your car as a “lemon”, won’t refund your money or replace your car…you have three choices for your next course of action:

  • Use the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affair’s Lemon Law Dispute Resolution program to request a hearing
  • Send a complaint to the informal dispute settlement program run by the manufacturer
  • Go to court and file a civil action against the manufacturer

The following links provide more information about New Jersey’s Lemon Law. We recommend visiting the New Jersey Attorney General’s website for more information, including links to their Lemon Law Fact Sheets and Arbitration Program.

New Jersey Lemon Law Links

New Jersey Lemon Law Fact Sheet

New Jersey Used Car Lemon Law

New Jersey Lemon Law Statutes

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