Reduce your junk mail by Opting Out

Reduce your junk mail by Opting Out

Four easy ways you can reduce junk mail and marketing phone calls. With DMAChoice, Optoutprescreen, Do-Not-Call lists and Catalog Choice – opting out has never been so easy!

This year do something you’ve been meaning to for a long time: put a stop to junk mail and phone calls from marketers. There’s no excuse because it’s never been easier. Take the matter into your own hands this new year and spend a few minutes doing something you’ll thank yourself for later.

  1. Use OptOutPreScreen to Opt-out from receiving ofes for pre-screened credit card by calling 1-888-567-8688 or visit to put a stop to unwanted checks on your credit to see if you qualify for cedit cards. Signing up will turn that deluge of pre-approved credit card junk mail into a trickle at most.

    You are required to submit your SSN and birth date to opt out of these offers. You’ll have to decide whether to have either block you from receiving pre-screened credit card offer for only 5 years or have it permanently remove you from their lists.

  2. Register or Renew your registration on the DO NOT CALL list by visiting

    Provide your phone numbers and e-mail to request status. The email you receive will provide the original date you registered. You can renew now or wait until the expiration date. Waiting will give you a full 5 years free from annoying marketing phone calls. Remember to re-register every five years. To verify when you need to re-register with the Do Not Call Registry or sign up for the first time – visit or call 1-888-382-1222 toll free.

    Some states have their own do-not-call lists.

    Check our State Do-Not-Call List page to see if your state has its own Do-Not-Call list and information on how to add your numbers if it does.

  3. – from The Direct Marketing Association

    Reduce junk mail by visiting

    DMAChoice won’t eliminate all junk mail since many direct mailers are not members of the Direct Marketing Association, but it’s a good start.The Association now charges a $1 fee whether you register for DMAChoice online or by mail. If you’re looking for a great way to reduce your junk mail DMAChoice has a wealth of information for consumers besides ways to remove yourself from mailing lists.

  4. Reduce the number of catalogs sent to you by:

    a. Calling each retailer and request removal
    b. Mailing the label to the retailer and request removal
    c. Use one of the following services:

    • Catalog Choice: A free, web-based service that claims to help consumers remove themselves from the catalog mailing lists of over
      1,000 retailers.


    • Mail Preference Service: This service is brought to you by the Direct Marketing Association which represents mass mailers. For $1
      you can keep your name from being placed on future mailing lists for three years, but will continue to receive mail advertising materials
      you already receive.


    • GreenDimes: $15 gets you preprinted postcards you can send to any retailer you no longer whish to receive a catalog or other junk
      mail from. Part of the proceeds are used to plant trees.


    • 41Pounds: They will contact 20 to 30 direct-mail companies for you to stop them from sending you their bulk mail advertising. They’ll
      also give you stamped, preprinted postcards to send to retailers requiring signed opt-out requests from consumers before your name is
      removed from their mailing lists. A portion of their $41 fee goes to community and environmental groups.


    • ProQuo: ProQuo is another service that helps you remove your name and personal information from marketing lists, data brokers and
      others sending you unsolicited mail. Just one more way you can reduce your junk mail.


More ways you can Opt Out:

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Cheryl Poole
7 years ago

This sounds like a scam just like the requests. Give my ss# as if. No thanks, I ”ll just keep deleting.